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🇩🇪 Employees in Germany (Checkly GmbH)

You can find your payslips in Datev / Arbeitnehmer Online (https://www.datev.de/ano/)

<aside> 📚 Upon starting at Checkly, you will receive two letters in the mail from Datev Arbeitnehmer Online. One with a registration code and another with a confirmation code. Please register your account before the expiration date stated on the mailings.


If you’re having trouble accessing your account, let People Ops know in our #people-and-operations Slack channel.

🇺🇸 Employees in US (Checkly Inc)

You can find your payslips in TriNet.

You should have gotten access to your TriNet account around your start date.

🌐 Employees through Remote

You can find your payslips in your account with Remote.