<aside> đź’¬ Have more questions?
<aside> ℹ️ In short: Yes if you're eligible, but you can leave at any point and join again at any point.
Not eligible? You can join, but need to opt in yourself.
You’re eligible to join the scheme on your start date, or any time in the future during your time at Learnerbly, however the scheme is set up to enrol you automatically.
This means that if you meet certain criteria, you’ll automatically join the Learnerbly pension scheme. But - if you don’t meet this criteria and would still like to enrol, you’re still able to choose to opt in.
You’ll be enrolled if:
- You’re aged 22 or over and are under State Pension age;
- Earn more than ÂŁ10,000 a year (ÂŁ833.33 a month, ÂŁ192 a week)
- Work or usually work in the UK
You can also opt out of the pension scheme if you want to, but we recommend staying opted in, so you’ll have your own personal pension when you retire.
The money invested into your Learnerbly pension will belong to you, even if you decide to leave Learnerbly in the future.
Both you and Learnerbly will pay contributions into it, every pay period, and as the cherry on top - the government will also contribute through tax relief.