<aside> 💡 Reminder: there is no one-size fits all approach, so we can’t copy & paste ways of working from another organisation. What works for one team may not be the right fit for yours, and the solution is for each team to discover through experimentation what works for them.
*Decision proposal template | Template
Use this template to craft a clear proposal and sharpen your thinking around the relevant background, facts, assumptions, constraints, and potential risks that led to it. This format serves to speed up decision processing.
**The Advice Process* | Decision-making process, step-by-step guide
“Anyone can make any decision, so long as they are willing to take responsibility for the outcome, and they have first listened to input from anyone who will be affected, or who has relevant expertise”, Richard Bartlett
**Consent Decision-Making* | ****Decision-making process, step-by-step guide
A powerful, facilitated group decision-making process with a bias to action. The process seeks to quickly make ‘safe to try’, ‘good enough for now’ decisions whilst integrating the wisdom of the group.
**Murmur** | Incredible software
Make work wonderful. Scale your culture with Murmur: a collaborative decision-making tool that gives everyone the power to make work better. No meetings required.
**Agree** | Decision-making software
Deciding together was frustrating. Until now. Agree is an online tool that lets you involve others in decisions. Without frustration and lengthy meetings.
Lightning Decision Jam | Decision-making workshop, step-by-step guide
A process for anything which requires a group of people to make decisions, solve problems or discuss challenges.
*Mark’s favourites.
<aside> ⚠️ *Warning: This is challenging and sometimes scary work! A little fear when experimenting is perfectly normal. It will sometimes feel like a new pair of shoes, writing with your left hand, or learning a new language - it takes time to master and feel comfortable.
So remember, it is impossible to get better and look good at the same time… allow yourself to be a beginner 😊*
Credit to https://www.lizandmollie.com/ for their wonderful images.
<aside> 🚀 If you’d like to join a cohort to explore some of the patterns and build your experimentation muscle, join my New Ways of Working Online Course. It’s an awesome way to practice.