<aside> 💡 Meetings are one of the number one pain points felt by teams the world over. Progressive organisations pay lots of attention to ensuring that this isn’t the case in their teams.
**Fewer better meetings** | Brave New Work podcast (45 mins)
In almost every organization we visit, teams aren't just having bad meetings—they're having meetings to prepare for those meetings. This episode talks about when we should have a meeting, how we can make them more effective, and the path to a healthier meeting culture.
**Ready For Anything: Meetings** | Brave New Work podcast (36 mins)
This episode is devoted to teams in transition to remote work due to the Coronavirus. It's about more than simply adapting to remote work—it's about adopting a way of working that will make you ready for anything.
**Remote Facilitation** | Brave New Work podcast (30 mins)
With much of the working world collaborating remotely these days, one thing is abundantly clear: facilitation matters, especially when we're not in the same room. This episode shares top tips and tricks for producing a great remote meeting.
**Acting your way into a new kind of organising with Liberating Structures** | Leadermorphosis podcast (52 mins)
Henri Lipmanowicz and Keith McCandless are the authors of “The Surprising Power of Liberating Structures”. We talk about how Liberating Structures can help you “act your way into a totally new way of organising” by simply having different kinds of conversations.
**Liberating Structures** | Brave New Work podcast (48 mins)
Complexity calls for a new way of working—and in particular a new way of meeting. What matters isn't the individuals in the room, but the relationships between them. Indeed, we need new interactions that change the dynamics and outcomes of our gatherings. No more limiting structures, it's time for liberating structures.
**Unsuck your next work meeting** | Brave New Work podcast (38 mins)
*If we’ve said it once, we’ve said it a thousand times: Meetings are the worst. Instead of being a meaningful work tool to help teams strategize efficiently, meetings more often block things—anything—from actually getting done. At The Ready, we’ve got a different method: action meetings. This episode dispenses a step-by-step guide to implementing and scaling effective action meetings, breaks down the best ways to “get people what they need,” and reveals how to keep the action-meeting train chugging along into the future. *****
**Finding your operating rhythm** | Brave New Work podcast (59 mins)
We’ve talked a lot about action meetings on the show. And retrospectives. And governance. And strategy sessions. Maybe you’ve wondered, “What do these meetings have to do with one another? How do they actually interact?” When woven together, they constitute an organization’s operating rhythm. Intentionally building the structural relationship is what allows teams to unlock their most important work and make progress.