Loz Earnerbly

L. Earnerbly

L. Earnerbly

Joz Kiddin

J. Kiddin

J. Kiddin

Loz explains to the audience that the power of fiction comes with the power of rewind and replay - it also means that this conversation is a bit more condensed timing wise than in real life☺


Hi Joz, how’s it going?


Ah…no problem, do you need a moment?


Great.  So, I’m looking forward to our Performance Snapshot Conversation today. It’s our opportunity to review your performance and your approach over the last 6 months.

We’ll obviously take a look at your indicators and I’ve got some feedback to share with you as context for those.

I also want to hear your experiences over the last 6 months, so I get to really understand your view of your performance.

That’s just as important.  Any questions or thoughts on that before we jump in?


Of course, so let’s discuss your indicators first.  Before we do that, I want to be clear that these are a picture of your current capabilities and how you embody our values, rather than a measure of your potential.

If we map where you are now, then we can ensure you have need to fuel your growth next year and beyond.

Does that make sense?


Great, so, reviewing your work over the past year and looking at your approach.

I’ve given you an indicator of “Meets Most Expectations” for both your capabilities and values.

My perspective is that you’re meeting most of the expectations of your role and similarly mostly living up to our core values but there’s some work to be done to close the gap in some areas.


Yes, the Fire Banners project was definitely an accomplishment for you and for everyone involved.

The insights you contributed and your tailoring of the post-sale data platform were absolutely key to that success.

So, look, I do understand if it’s surprising and frustrating for you that didn’t bring your indicators more in line with your own expectations.


You do and I want to be clear that I absolutely recognise how hard you worked on that and on other projects over the course of this year.

I’m sorry if you feel I haven’t made that clear before now.


The thing is that this indicator is a review of where you are now not a measure of your potential.

I definitely see you as capable of delivering work that exceeds expectations and I would absolutely expect you to move to a Meets rating for both Capabilities & Values by your next check in.

My goal is to empower you to make that happen. So, what I’d like to do now is to dig in to some more context for how I determined the Meets Most indicator and to share some feedback on where I see room for development.



So, generally speaking I’m seeing that the Operational aspects of your role are where the focus is needed to close the performance gap.

My view is they’re also what’s holding you back from meeting and role-modelling our core values consistently.

Let’s look at the Water Blizzard project, as an example.


You have and the Case Study you shared with me from your experience working at SkyScanner was really exciting...


I did.

Which is why I asked you to break down the case study into some campaign metrics for Maggie and the rest of the team.

But, when we had our Kick-Off Meeting, you didn’t have those metrics ready to present.  It was a shame because our planning wasn’t as robust as it would have been, had we been able to dig into the detail of the metrics and road-test your ideas as a team.

Tell me about what happened there…


I know that you’ve mentioned to me before that you find it hard to concentrate and get the balance right when you’re working at home.


Which must make it harder for you to then concentrate the following day?


Go on… what you mean 10 steps behind?


So, it sounds, from what you’re saying like you also feel the Operational aspects of your role - the reports, the analysis are holding you back from dealing with enquiries from other teams and that generally you’re feeling a bit drained by balancing those different demands on your time?


I see, and the thing is that I’ve noticed you don’t seem as engaged in team meetings lately

For example, yes, you didn’t have the metrics prepared for the Kick-Off Meeting but you also didn’t share much by way of response to other ideas.

We missed out on your insight when it came to building a sound strategy.

I wonder if your sense of being drained played a part in that?


So, it seems like that taking steps to resolve the overwhelm you’re feeling is going to be key to closing the gap and meeting performance expectations sustainable?


Now, it might seem counter-intuitive but my perspective is that it’s often those operational aspects of the role that make productivity and collaboration sustainable.

They’re there to ensure that the team can share information in a way that’s productive and efficient.

Whereas, if the ideas are in your head, only you can action them and people have to come to you for answers directly...which can definitely get overwhelming...


So that’s why I’d like us to work together to develop your operational capability and consistency.  It’s important not just because it’s an expectation of your role but because it frees you up to offer your best.  What do you think?



So, look, I’d like us to use the rest of our time today to set some operational targets for you that are not designed to add pressure but are specifically focused on supporting you to delegate and contribute more effectively.

We can review at the end of this month and see where we need to make adjustments.

(Loz turns to the audience at this point and Joz pauses).

(to audience) Actually, because this is fiction, we won’t dig into the details of Joz’s daily routine.

Instead, let’s explore what you noticed was different in that conversation replay.

Give me some feedback!