<aside> 💡 Team agreements ****are written documents that help to clarify ‘how we do things around here’ — things like communicating, making decisions, hiring, holding meetings and sharing feedback. Without agreements, teams lack clarity around these crucial patterns.


We share a common vision

No matter what we’re working on we need to know the client's goals and our internal goals. That way we’re all on the same page and all going in the same direction. If you’re unsure of why you’re completing a task, ask someone as you’ll either improve your understanding or expose an inefficiency.

We value our time

Our clients will never value our time if we don’t, so we understand what is good enough and we don’t strive for perfection. We all need to be aware of what the client wants, what we provide, what we charge for, and where these don’t align.

We are players, not spectators

We are all equally responsible for our clients and we should all be actively engaged in working towards our team and client's goals. Passively completing tasks might satisfy clients but it is not enough.

We always deliver

We set clear expectations with clients and each other at the earliest possible opportunity remembering that we are accountable if we don’t meet those expectations. We leave no ambiguity around what our responsibilities are or what the client's responsibilities are.

We’re in a continuous conversation

We have open, honest, and constructive conversations with everyone in the team. We must be comfortable with any tension, understand that it will make us better as a team, and praise success in all forms.

We continuously improve

Continuous improvement isn’t just learning new skills, it’s removing the obstacles and bottlenecks, helping out teammates and getting closer to clients. It’s also about taking the time to step back and look at how we work in order to see the inefficiencies and address them.

We follow the process

When we’re all following processes and procedures we’re more efficient, innovative, and less likely to make errors. We’re working with our clients not for them so we challenge existing client behaviours and processes if we have a more efficient way.

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