<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/7f34524d-9389-4bb8-b803-8796988dd464/Web_logo_(256__256px)_(2).png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/7f34524d-9389-4bb8-b803-8796988dd464/Web_logo_(256__256px)_(2).png" width="40px" /> What we love about this handbook section

🖤 We fell head over heels in love with this page 😍. Any business that works hybrid/remote and potentially async lives or dies on it’s ability to document information. And we are ALL about open documentation here at Open Org. This page from Remote is just brilliant at setting expectations for how they work with documentation internally. ** ****Check out their entire handbook for inspiration here: 🔗Remote's full handbook


What is Documentation?

Documentation refers to anything written down in a place that other people can read, learn from, and further build upon. You’re reading documentation right now! It could be argued that the majority of remote work is reading and writing documentation.

Why is it so important to have a Culture of Documentation?

This simply means we must all participate in transmission and capture of important information, and that our success depends on the ongoing care + feeding of our collective memory space. We want it to be useful, tidy, and current. If there are errors, we fix them. If something important is missing, we add it quickly. Don’t forget that we operate asynchronously. The person you were going to ask might be asleep when you need an answer. Maintaining solid documentation eliminates blockers like this. Finally, a Culture of Documentation reduces noise. Noise for our purposes is any communication that interrupts a person’s personal flow and requires a response. Noise isn’t Noice. It creates friction and slows deep work. In other words, “Search first, ask questions later...” All of our major software tools have search functions built into them. If you can't find what you’re looking for, only then ask about it. A quick post in #questions is a good place to start for general queries. Let us know what you are looking for and where you've already looked. But remember, if the answer to your question could benefit others, it's up to you to make sure it is documented properly.

What kinds of documentation do we use here?

Here is a breakdown of the documentation types at Remote and where you can find them. Remember that Notion is the Single Source of Truth(SSoT) for most data, unless otherwise specified.

Type Purpose Includes Location(s)
Public Documentation Provides useful (non-proprietary) information to customers, potential customers, partners, investors, employment candidates, etc. Remote Website, Country Explorer, Blogs, Remote Handbook, Job Postings Notion, Prismic, Greenhouse
Product Documentation Provides detailed technical information about
our products. Codebase, Manuals, API specs, integration guides GitLab, Notion
Progress Documentation Provides framework for progress tracking and accountability of work, help requests, and people performance. Team request boards, candidate progressions, helpdesk ticketing Greenhouse, Zendesk
Process Documentation Provides information about internal policy/procedures, onboarding, tech support guides, updates and reporting, customer relationship and marketing info. Department pages, Loom videos, sales leads Notion, Google Workspace, Loom, Salesforce
Legal & Transactional Documentation These are documents in the literal sense, i.e. those required for routine business. Includes contracts, employment agreements, service agreements, charters, entity records, etc. Legal, Contracts, Employment Agreements Juro, DocuSign
Localized Documentation Local parameters. Collected wisdom gained by conducting business in each country. Includes local languages (other than Business English) Country Onboarding Guides, TCE Everywhere in various forms

When do I need to document?

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Whenever there is a sync meeting, there should be a relevant documentation, even if it is just a 1:1 call. Building habits of documenting is vital as it enables you to refer and recall, and most importantly it enables collaboration and coverage.


Some documentation is easy, automagic even. For example, Kissflow and Zendesk create detailed logs of what steps were taken, when they were enacted, and the comments and responses related to each; when you use the tool, the record is generated for you, very nice. Where we can, we strive for documentation to be this easy. But other knowledge capture opportunities aren’t as clear, so please take a proactive approach. You never know when the answer to your question will help others. Chances are you’re not the first person to go searching! So be a friend, amigo, mate, comrade! Document when:

  1. Sync Meetings - Meetings are disruptive, so be sure to make the absolute most of the premium time. Check with your team leader, as there is most likely an established way of taking notes for each team. Some teams like to create new meeting agenda pages for each meeting. Others like to have a single long document that can be referenced without clicking away. Regardless of which format, meeting notes should at least include:

    1. Attendance - Who was there?
    2. Agenda - What was discussed?
    3. Actions - What actions/decisions were taken?
    4. Aftermath - Next steps? Is there a follow up meeting?
    5. If you need a fullproof note-taking process, check out the

    [CX] Employment record books

    Single Minutes of Truth (SMoT)

  2. New Data - You learned something new that isn’t written down already. Be sure to search first. There is probably a place for it

  3. Error/Omission/Bugfix - You discovered a problem/error with a process or procedure. These in particular are incredibly important to document/bring to the attention of others.

  4. Customer Issue -A customer reached out to you with a problem directly. Hopefully they’re using Zendesk tickets, but if not, you need to make sure their needs are documented and a handoff is made to the proper Customer Experience team member.

  5. Productivity & Pro-Tips - If you’ve discovered something cool that makes your day easier, please share with the other children.

  6. Fun Stuff - We’re not all business around here. Our culture of documentation includes culture as well. Remoter suggestions, food, hobbies, etc.