<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/51d52f4f-6885-4e78-ae0f-7bd22ff96d73/logomark_-_square_(new_brand).png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/51d52f4f-6885-4e78-ae0f-7bd22ff96d73/logomark_-_square_(new_brand).png" width="40px" /> This hub is a summary of the co-creational approach that we took to evolving our values.

📖 Reading time: 60 to 60,000 minutes


🗺 The plan

<aside> 🔥 If you only read three, make it these.


Start here: Navigating the data

Read second: Data insights

Read third: Behaviours Map

🎉 The product

Our Values

Co-Launching our Evolved Values

📊 The data

By modality

Survey insights

Focus Groups Insights

Leadership interviews

By theme (our old values)

Be your Authentic Self

Set the Destination, Own the Journey

Invite Everyone to Dance

Radical Candour